Smelly Vagina?

Smelly Vagina? - Foul smelling vagina is a common condition that is sometimes owned by women. An estimated 30% of women have experienced. Many women suspect that vaginal odor caused by lack of personal hygiene to wash excessively. They do not realize that it was actually worsen the problem.

Smelly Vagina?

The inside of the vagina has a large number of micro-organisms called the vaginal flora. Flora is generally the role of type lactobacillus creates an acidic environment that protects the vagina. That way, the vagina and protect against bacterial infections outside. In a healthy state, the balance of the vaginal flora awake so no smell or only a faint smell typical. If the flora balance disturbed, gardnerella and other types of bacteria can multiply, thus creating a condition called bacterial vaginosis. Pregnancy, the use of spiral, antibiotic use and smoking can trigger vaginosis.

Bacterial vaginosis is not an infection but an increase in benign bacteria that are commonly present in the vagina. These conditions make it uncomfortable just because it causes vaginal mucus colored translucent grayish smelly (like rotten fish). In addition to discomfort, vaginosis does not cause other problems. Different natural balance between bacteria usually will recover itself naturally within a few days.

Many women who have vaginal odor then intensively clean the vagina. It is actually aggravate the condition and increase the risk of infection. Excessive vaginal washing, especially with antiseptic soap, will increase the pH to disrupt the balance of the vaginal flora.

If you have a vaginal odor problem, the first thing to do is to restore a proper balance of acidity that vaginal flora. Wash the genital area with warm water and mild soap air-neutral pH is sufficient in most cases. If your problem still persists after a few days, consult your doctor. Doctors can check if there are other conditions such as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or infections that cause odor.

Smelly Vagina?

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