Healthy Tips Cleaning Vagina

For you ladies, so always keep the vagina from infection and disease germs are several ways you can do.

1. Wash the area between the vulva (vaginal lips) are carefully using clean water and soap when finished defecating, urinating or while bathing.

2. Wash from the front of the vagina toward the anus, rather than vice versa. This is to avoid germs in the anus to the vagina.

3. Before wearing the pants, dry vagina and anus using a towel.

4. Often change clothes in, at least two times a day after bathing.

5. To keep the vagina is not moist, you can wear thin disposable pads.

6. Use the pads that absorb liquid well and gentle, non-gel containing alergenik or during menstruation. Replace 4-5 times a day.

7. Wash your hands before touching your vagina.

8. Use underwear made from absorbing liquid with a kind and gentle.

9. Avoid using towels and rags used others so germs do not migrate into your vagina.

10. Pussy hair shaving regularly to reduce humidity.

Perform this activity constantly so you do not have a problem with your vagina.

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