9 Easy Steps to Have a Strong and Beautiful Teeth

People often realize after treating tooth toothache. Do not wait until a toothache agony, because healthy teeth have turned out quite by nine easy steps. Who says having a strong and beautiful teeth need to be expensive?

There are nine easy steps and need not be expensive to have a strong and beautiful teeth, namely:

1. Should not just brush the teeth, but also includes the tongue and cheek. Because many germs are also gathered in the area.

2. Replace the toothbrush in a month.

3. Changing the toothpaste (toothpaste) on a regular basis, because the body is already accustomed to a particular active ingredient will stop responding from time to time.

4. Allowing myself to brush your teeth before breakfast and before bed at night.

5. Doing throat gargle thoroughly after eating, especially if you eat sweet or sour foods. In this case no need to use mouthwash fluids, but can also use the water.

6. Using dental floss to remove food remnants, and should not use a toothpick as it can injure oral mucosa.

7. Chewing gum after meals can help absorb toxins and remove the soft plaque accumulation. But be sure not to chew more than 15 minutes.

8. If needed can gargle with antibacterial liquid to remove bacteria as a whole.

9. Using an oral irrigator to help clear the space between dentogingival more effective.

Also the intensity of water spray on the gum can increase blood flow. In addition to the above nine steps that can help someone have a strong and beautiful teeth, there are also other things to do are:

1. Choosing the right foods for healthy teeth. Teeth needs a lot of calcium that can help make tooth enamel stronger. Hence the consumption of foods containing calcium like dairy products, fish, beans, beets and spinach. Also the water used for drinking and cooking also has its own influence. Another thing to consider is to train strong teeth to eat solid foods such as vegetables and fruit regularly as bite of carrots and apples.

2. Avoid unhealthy drinks During this maybe people think that tea, coffee or juice is not good for teeth, when in fact these drinks do not damage tooth enamel. But soda is the most harmful to teeth. These drinks contain orthophosphoric acid which can erode tooth enamel.

3. Diligent dental care Even healthy teeth still need regular maintenance from time to time. This is particularly useful for cleaning teeth, remove plaque that attach to and give special protection to the teeth. But this treatment does not include teeth whitening products hydrogen peroxide, because it can damage and weaken the teeth.

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