Age human short length of test Urine Can Be Predicted

There are two sure-fire way to determine the risk of chronic disease in a person's body is a blood test and urine test. That's why a new study from Canada revealed that the results of a urine test can predict the length of the short life of a person.

After observing more than 810,000 patient urine samples, in particular researchers found a strong link between levels of a particular protein in the urine proteinuria and high risk of death.

In fact, patients that his urine does not contain this protein can be expected to live 15 years longer than patients with high proteinurianya content.

"This condition can not be underestimated, especially if you have risk factors such as smoking, high blood pressure and a family history of certain diseases, it means you should immediately undergo tests," said researcher Tanvir Chowdhury Turin, Ph.D., assistant professor from the University of Calgary, Canada.

The test itself is quite simple. When you see your doctor for regular checkups, screening for proteinuria as well ask him. "All you need to remember is when the doctor says your urine contains protein that does not mean you will die quickly. This is just an early indicator that your kidneys are damaged certain," said Turin.

"Once you have identified your doctor what is causing the emergence of these proteins, it will recommend the treatment that you need, whether it's a lifestyle change or the use of certain drugs," said Turin as reported Menshealth, Friday (04/19/2013).

It would be better if you take precautions to reduce the risk factors that exist so that the protein is not contained in the urine and increase your risk of death.

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