Scientist Claims and Anti-Aging Pill Procrastinator Sickly Is Almost So

Washington, If you want a long life, each person is required to live a healthy and exercising diligently. However, to facilitate this, a group of researchers created a pill that can prevent a person claimed to be old and stay healthy for life.

The team of researchers led by Rafael de Cabo of the U.S. National Institutes of Health claims to have tested the effects of a molecule called SRT1720 is activated by a protein called 'sirtuin 1 (SIRT1)', mainly for health and long life few rats.

Then the animals were given a standard diet plus 100 milligrams per molecule SRT1720 rat body weight since she entered a six months. From there, researchers found SRT1720 significantly increase the average lifespan of a rat as much as 8.8 percent.

Rats fed the molecule is also reported to have a body that is lighter and thinner than mice that were not fed SRT1720. Muscle function and coordination of the body they also look better.

For researchers believe that if the pills they created based on these findings may help make humans younger and stay healthy throughout his life.

SIRT1 protein and its twin, SIRT2 itself had been known to have an important role in the metabolic processes of the various species of living things. Among other DNA repair genes and regulate, including preventing the emergence of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Even after further explored, the researchers found the supplement SRT1720 was not only able to provide additional protection in the rat heart, but also lowers harmful cholesterol levels and increase insulin sensitivity of the mouse so it is not susceptible to diabetes.

In a number of other tissues in the body of the rat was also found anti-inflammatory effects due to consumption of SRT1720 molecules. These findings are considered important because chronic inflammation is believed to be far behind the aging process and the emergence of various diseases associated with age.

"This is the first time we could show that synthetic SIRT1 activators can prolong life and improve health conditions of rats fed a standard. This means we can develop molecules that can reduce the body burden of chronic disease and metabolic coincided with the aging process," said Dr. de Cabo.

The study has been published in the journal Cell Reports.

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