Trauma men because Viewing Wife Childbirth

Accompanying his beloved wife during childbirth is a form of love and attention of a husband. But make no mistake, saw his wife struggling mightily for the baby can be very traumatic to some men.

Trauma will be more apt to occur if the labor is accompanied by complications and certain difficulties. Under these conditions, trauma not only toward his own wife, who had a partner but also witnessed.

Some husbands who accompanied his wife gave birth to certain difficulties even diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or post-traumatic stress disorder. The same disorder suffered by veterans in the United States after fighting.

PTSD symptoms experienced by the wives accompanying husbands after giving birth can make it difficult to work normally. Even in one case, a husband can not work until 7 years after his wife gave birth to a daughter.

Husband named Darren Dixon is also frequently haunted feeling suicidal every time since his wife was unconscious and bleeding during childbirth. In the end, the wife had a cesarean section and go straight into intensive care.

"For the first 3 years, flasback I experienced very real. Suddenly I could smell like a hospital and was in the operating room with my wife. I cried from morning until night and become agoraphobic (a type of anxiety disorder). I have not been able to work since the events of the past 7 years, "Kara Dixon who previously worked as a manager.

According to health experts, the risk of trauma faced by husbands no less important to note. During this time, the attention is too focused on his wife, who does have more risks include bleeding soul tie.

"A lot of emergency cases involving severe bleeding. The mother is very ill and needs a lot of care. However we also need to think about fate of her husband," said Prof Marian Knight of Oxford University, was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail, Wednesday (04/17/2013 ).

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