What is obesity?

Definitions vary considerably obese or overweight dependent how we look at it but in general obesity is excess body fat experienced by a person in chronic. In normal conditions, body fat serves as a reserve of energy, regulating body temperature, protection from trauma and other functions.

Ideally, on a woman's body consists of 25-30% fat while in lazy 18-23%. When body fat exceeds 30% in women and 25% in males then the person is already overweight or obese can be categorized. How to calculate the obesity of the easiest is by comparing the height (kg) with weight (m) or known as Body Mass Index (BMI).

What are the risk factors associated with obesity?

Apart from the cosmetic problem, obesity is a very serious health problems. In the U.S., 300,000 deaths per year due to obesity factor. Obesity can cause some very serious chronic illnesses such as:

* Insulin Resistance. 

Insulin in the body is useful for delivering glucose as fuel to energy formation in cells. With the move glucose into cells, the insulin will keep your blood sugar levels to normal levels. In the fat high fat deposition occurs in the body, while fat is very resistant to insulin. Thus, to deliver glucose into the fat cells and keeps blood sugar levels remained normal, as a manufacturer of insulin producing pancreatic insulin in large quantities. Eventually, the pancreas can no longer produce insulin in large numbers so that blood sugar levels gradually increased and there was what is called Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

* High Blood Pressure (Hypertension). 
 Hypertension is very common in overweight people. Researchers in Norway say that the increase in blood pressure in obese women more easily occur when compared with obese men. Increased blood pressure is also easy-going type of apple in the fat (central obesity, abdominal fat concentration) when compared with those who are obese type pear fruit (the concentration of fat in the hips and thighs).

* Increased levels of cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia).

* Stroke.

* Heart attack. 
 Recent research shows that the risk of coronary heart disease in obese people three to four times higher when compared with normal people. Every increase of one kilogram of body weight occurred in enhancing deaths from coronary heart disease as many as 1%.

* Heart Failure.

* Cancer. 

Although still reap the controversy, some research states that an increase in the risk of colon cancer, prostate, bladder and cervical cancer in obese people. In menopausal women who have breast cancer-prone occurred.

* Gall Stone.

* Arthritis (Gout).

* Osteoporosis.

* Sleep Disorders.

What causes obesity?

The balance between calorie intake with energy expenditure will maintain a balance weight person. If someone takes a lot of calories into energy while burning calories less then the backup will be stored in the form of fat that will make the person's weight increases. Most of the causes of obesity are high calorie intake without accompanied by adequate physical activity. Some causes of obesity are:

* Descendants (Genetic). 
A child has a tendency to be obese if both parents obese. Genetics also play a role in influencing the function of the hormone that regulates fatty body.

* Too much eating. 
Too much food will cause weight gain, especially if the food consumed more fat and sugar such as fast food, fried foods and sweets.

* Consumption of foods containing simple carbohydrates. 
Experts argue, simple carbohydrates like sugar, fructose, soft drinks, beer and wine will cause weight gain because this type of carbohydrate is more easily absorbed by the body.

* Frequency of eating. The frequency relations eating and weight gain is still controversial. 
Experts say that people who eat small quantities with a frequency of 4-5 times a day had higher levels of cholesterol and blood sugar levels lower than those who ate less than that frequency.

* Metabolism is slow. 
Women have less muscle mass than men. Muscle burns more calories than other body tissue, so that your metabolism is much slower in women than men. This will cause women to have easier TRENDS fat when compared with men.

* Lack of physical activity. 
People who actively activities will burn more calories than those who sit idle, * Drug addiction. Some drugs associated with weight gain among other things, anti-depression drugs, anti-seizure drugs, diabetes drugs, oral contraceptives, corticosteroid drugs, and some blood pressure-lowering drugs.

* Psychological factors. 
On some people, emotions influence eating habits. There are people who suddenly want to eat a lot when she was emotional. Whereas if the increased weight will eventually cause other psychological problems.

* Diseases. 
Some diseases that can increase body weight, among others, hypothyroid, insulin resistance, PCO, and Cushing's syndrome. Whether other factors associated with obesity?

Here are some other factors associated with obesity in addition to some of the things I mentioned above.

* Ras. 
Blacks and Hispanic people have a tendency more easily become obese when compared with Caucasian and Asian people.

* Weight loss when a childs. 
Childhood obesity in children and adolescents also influence the occurrence of obesity in adulthood.

* Hormones. 
Obese women are more easily especially during pregnancy, menopause and time consuming oral contraceptives.

Is Body Mass Index (BMI) is?

As I have mentioned above, the easiest way to calculate obesity is by finding the value of BMI. Weight Loss Formula BMI in kg divided by height in meters squared Agency.

Here is the interpretation of BMI values.

* 25 to 29.9: Pre obese. * 30 to 34.9: obese class I. * 35 - 39.9: obese class II. * Over 40: Class III obese.

Remember, the higher your BMI value, the higher your risk of suffering from some disease that I mentioned above.

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