ACNE Solution

Acne is a condition in which the clogged skin pores causing pus pockets that are inflamed. Acne is a skin disease that quite a large number of sufferers.

Kligmann, a researcher at the world renowned acne believes, "There is no single person in the world to get through life without a pimple on their skin.

Possibly the cause is hormonal changes that stimulate oil glands in skin.

Other hormonal changes that could be the trigger of acne is the menstrual period, pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives, and stres.Fortunately, a myriad of weapons to fight has now become stronger and far more effective than ever before.

Emerging Causes of Acne

Excessive Oil Production
Acne does not always appear as dirty, but rather due to factors from within the body. Acne is a skin condition caused by abnormal excessive production of oil gland disorders (sebaceus gland) which causes blockage of hair follicles channels and pores of the skin. The most common cause of acne is hormones, the piles of skin oil or sebum in collaboration with the bacteria. 

Dead Skin CellsGenerally, acne is caused by over active oil glands as androgen hormones produced. Acne caused by excessive oil gland is mixed with dead skin cells. When skin cells were mixed with the already increased the amount of sebum, the mixture is thick and sticky, it can form a plug that into black or white spots. Many people assume that acne is only attacking the face, but acne can also attack other parts of the body, like in the back, chest and upper arms. 

BacteriumWhat makes the problem more complicated, the bacteria usually are in the skin, called p.acne, which tend to proliferate in the blocked sebaceous glands, which produce substances that cause irritation of the surrounding area. The gland continues to swell, and may be broken, then spread the inflammation to the skin surrounding areas. This is what causes the most possible cystic acne types, namely leaving the long-term pigmentation and scars are permanent, such as smallpox.

Types of Acne

* Blackheads.

Blackheads are actually clogged pores, can be open or closed. Open comedones (blackhead), looks like the pores are enlarged and blackened. Comedones that are closed (whitehead) have skin that grows over the blocked pores that look like small white bumps. This type of acne comedones due to dead skin cells and excessive secretion of oil glands in the skin. 

* Acne usual. 
This type of acne easily recognizable, tiny pink bumps or redness. Occurs because of clogged pores become infected by bacteria. Bacteria that can infect the washcloth, makeup brushes, fingers, also the phone. Stress, hormones and humid air, can increase the likelihood of the formation of acne. 

* Stone Acne (acne Cystic).
 Cystic acne is acne which were large, with severe inflammation, gathered around the front. Cystic acne sufferers usually have close relatives who suffer from this type of acne.  

Genetically sufferers have: 
1. Overactive oil glands which flood the pores with oil glands, 
2. The growth of skin cells that are not normal that can not regenerate as fast as normal skin 
3. Having an excessive response to inflammation, so leave a mark on the skin Acne RemedyAcne is a skin disease that usually attacks the face. Dealing with acne should not be indiscriminate. In general, facial skin care principles as follows. 

* The skin should always be clean face during a break at home.

* Avoid the use of cosmetics, make-up while sleeping.

* Need a different cleanser for dry skin with oily skin, and vice versa.  

* Cleaning the face differ in the afternoon in the morning. 

How to Overcome Acne NaturallyOvercoming acne. 
1. Take 2-3 pieces of papaya that is old and dry area.
2. Mash papaya and given water and then squeezed to obtain juice. 
3. Apply papaya juice on acne. 

Care to overcome acne. 
1. Wash the horseradish to taste, then parutlah radish and take water. 
2. Add a little balsamic vinegar and mix until blended. 
3. Apply to acne, leave on until dry. 
4. Once dry, clean with water. 
5. Perform regular basis until the acne is resolved.


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