
Candidiasis is a yeast infectionyeast infection that is caused by a fungal microorganism, most often the fungus Candida albicansalbicans. Candidiasis is also known as thrush and can cause yeast infections in many areas of the body. These commonly include the mouth (oral thrust), the vagina (vaginal yeast infection, vaginal thrush) and the digestive tract (gastroenteritis). Candidiasis can also be a symptom of a serious disease, such as HIV/AIDS or diabetes.

The fungal yeast that causes most cases of candidiasis, Candida albicans, normally lives in some places in the body, such as the mouth and vagina, in a certain balance with other microorganisms, such as bacteria. However, some factors or conditions may result in an overgrowth of Candida albicans or other fungi.

People at risk for candidiasis include those taking strong antibiotics, especially for a long period of time. Antibiotics kill bacteria, which can alter the balance of microorganisms in the mouth, vagina, intestines and other places in the body and result in a proliferation of yeast.

People with weakened immune systemsimmune systems are also more likely to develop candidiasis and have recurrent bouts of yeast infection. This includes people with HIV/AIDS or those taking steroid medications or on chemotherapy, which all suppress the immune system. People with diabetes are more likely to develop candidiasis because the elevated level of sugar in the body provide food for yeast and encourage its overgrowth. Other people at risk include the very young and very old.

Candidiasis causes a variety of symptoms, depending on the area of the body affected. For more information on symptoms and complications, refer to symptoms of candidiasis.

Making a diagnosis of candidiasis includes performing a complete medical evaluation and history and physical examination that focuses on the area of the body with symptoms. Diagnosis is generally made based on the typical appearance of the candidiasis sores, vaginal dischargevaginal discharge or other symptoms and a history of factors that make a yeast infection likely. Diagnostic testingDiagnostic testing may include taking a small sample or swabswab of the infected area and examining it under a microscope to confirm an overgrowth of yeast.

It is possible that a diagnosis of candidiasis can be missed or delayed because symptoms may be mild and for other reasons. For more information on misdiagnosis, refer to misdiagnosis of candidiasis.

Candidiasis can be successfully treated with an individualized treatment plan that best fits the area of the body affected and the patient's age, medical history, and addresses underlying risk factors, such as diabetes. Treatment may include eating certain foods and medication. For more information on treatment, refer to treatment of candidiasis.

Candidiasis: Fungal infectionFungal infection of moist areas such as mouth or vagina. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Candidiasis is available below

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