5 Habits to Avoid Menstrual

5 Habits to Avoid Menstrual - Menstruation is a normal phase that the average among women each month. Well, for this process to run smoothly without compromising health, there are a few things to note.

As summarized detikHealth, following five habits that should be avoided when menstruating women:

5 Habits to Avoid Menstrual

1. Lazy change the bandage
For some reason, women often do not replace the dressings regularly during menstruation. Most also wait until the pads feel full. Be careful, this habit can be bad for the health of sex organs.

According to Dr. Liva Wijaya SpOG of Mitra Keluarga Hospital in Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia many menstrual blood can make the vaginal area moist and hotter. Plus, any estrogen levels are high.

In principle, the menstrual blood can be a place for bacteria to flourish, thus increasing the risk of bacterial infection. "Keep the dressing wrote menstrual blood although slightly because in addition to blood, right there vaginal fluids that contain a lot of microorganisms. If there is menstrual blood, he could grow on it," said Dr. Liva.

2. Douching
When menstruating, women often feel the need to douche to keep her feminine area is kept clean and fragrant. But in fact this is precisely the habit is not recommended.

Dr. I Gusti Nyoman Darmaputra, SpKK, of D & I Skin Center, Denpasar, Bali explained that douching too often it can change the acidity of the vagina so that the normal bacteria become dead.

Overuse douching can also cause changes in the acidity of the vaginal pH. As a result, the basic conditions in the area of ​​the vagina can kill normal bacteria that affect the risk of disease known as bacterial vaginosis is characterized by complaints of vaginal discharge.

To clean the vagina during menstruation, better use warm clean water to rinse. Do not forget to regularly replace the pads yes.

3. Lack of Sleep
Enough sleep is often difficult for women who are menstruating related complaints such as stomach cramps and anxiety. But sleep actually needed by women during menstruation.

"Without enough sleep, the body will become stressed and inflamed. Though stress and inflammation can actually worsen the symptoms of PMS and menstrual cramps," said health expert content, Eden Fromberg.

During sleep, the repair process occurs in the body that impact on improving the immune system. Conversely, lack of sleep can alter hormone levels and disrupt the mood.

4. Plenty of coffee
The caffeine content of coffee can lead to dehydration and headaches. Therefore, consumption of caffeine can also reduce the risk of developing breast tenderness during the period of menstruation.

5. Do not exercise
Menstruation is not an obstacle for women if it is to stay healthy by exercising. Originally selected by right, exercise it is recommended you know.

According to health experts from MultiFit Gym, Annavi Khot, most women prefer to rest during menstruation because of a variety of common complaints arise such as abdominal cramps, back pain and headaches.

Some examples of gentle exercise that can be done during menstruation ie walking, yoga, push-ups, dancing and jogging.

5 Habits to Avoid Menstrual

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