Health Dangers that Haunt Often Late Night Sleep

It is fitting someone spent seven to eight hours a day to rest. However, because of busy, often there are people who cut back on sleep to less than six hours. In fact, if sleep late and wake up with the condition of the head a bit dizzy, you may experience a minor concussion.

In addition, many of the negative effects that can be felt if you get less rest time. Quoted from Boldksy, Friday (28/02/2014), this negative effect on health if you often sleep late:

1. Weight Gain
Weight loss is directly proportional to the lack of sleep. If you do not sleep at least six hours a night, fat metabolism will be disturbed. Especially if it does not go closed at night, you will tend to chew foods high in fat.

2. Weakened immune system and delayed sleep syndrome
Waking up late can destroy white blood cells are useful for immunity. That's why sleep late at night can weaken your immunity. If too often sleep late, there was one time where you will sleep very early time. This is called delayed sleep syndrome where your sleep cycle started late.

3. Heart disease and high blood pressure
Sleep late that consistently makes you susceptible to heart disease and can lead to stroke. Coupled with not getting the optimal amount of rest time, the blood pressure will increase because not getting enough rest.

4. Diabetes
Sleeping late can damage the hormones in the body. It can make you intolerant to glucose because of the amount of insulin produced by the body decreases. As a result, your risk of diabetes was natural.

5. Headache
Every time you sleep late and wake up feeling uncomfortable, it is a sign you are having a small concussion. Therefore, the human brain is often experienced shocks through less rest time in a given period of time can, resulting in brain damage.

6. Weak Reflexes
Less sleep for long hours can affect your central nervous system. As a result, the system will be weakened reflexes.

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