5 symptoms of Women's Health Disorders Who should really pay attention

5 symptoms of Women's Health Disorders Who should really pay attention
1. Nails turned white so depressed 
Nail will turn white when pressed briefly, but be careful if the nail remains white for several minutes. This could indicate you are exposed to anemia and iron deficiency. "Many perempua, especially those who regularly experience heavy menstruation, may be affected by anemia but he did not know it," said Dr. Johnston. Things you can do to overcome this anemia is a blood test done. In addition you should also start eating foods rich in iron, such as salmon. Tetapai there's one thing to note is you do not take iron supplements without the advice of a doctor.

2. Dry mouth 
Dry mouth can also be caused by excess vitamin A. Carolyn Jacob, MD, a dermatologist from Chicago revealed that he had once had a patient who does not know that he had consumed 20,000 units of vitamin A each day. This amount is four times the amount recommended. In normal doses of vitamin A can function to overcome the problems of skin cells. However, overdosing vitamn A can actually cause dry skin and disturb the fetus if you are pregnant. To cope with dry lips, things can you do if you consume supplements is to check the label to ensure you consume the amount of content up till not overdose. In addition to calculate the amount of vitamin A from supplements, you also have to calculate the amount you consume vitamin A derived from natural sources such as eggs and milk.

3. Yellow eyelids 
Eyelid yellow indicates high cholesterol. This occurs because the fat that collects in the upper eyelid continues to combine there. And because the fat is yellow, then came the yellow spots around your eye lids, whatever your skin type.

Steps you can do first is to do blood tests. If it is high kolestrolmu, eat nutritious foods without fat, do the exercise for 30 minutes per day and taking the drugs recommended by doctors. Another possible way is to remove cholesterol with lasers.

4. Flushed cheeks 
Facial which too often can cause peeling like sunburned skin. This is the first sign of rosacea, a skin disorder can be caused by allergies.

Steps that can be done is to use antibiotic cream and avoid caffeine and sunshine.

5 symptoms of Women's Health Disorders Who should really pay attention
5. Dark circles under the eyes 
Black circle is caused by a lack of sleep. Another thing that causes dark circles under the eyes is due to allergies. Allergies can cause sinusitis are able to suppress the blood flow into the cavity between the eyes.

Things you can do is to use antihistamines. If it turns black lingkran still there, try to contact dermatologismu to be given anti-inflammatory creams.

5 symptoms of Women's Health Disorders Who should really pay attention

5 symptoms of Women's Health Disorders Who should really pay attention

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