Plasenta Previa

Plasenta Previa - Nurrani (37 years) yesterday morning came to the delivery room with a grim face. Well what is it?

Obstetrician explained that when an ultrasound check Conscience pregnant mothers with placenta previa. So that the baby can not be born naturally normally can only be by Caesarean section.

"There is no other way bu Midwives yes, times have surgery anyway? bu Nur said, his face grim.

"Yes ma'am Nur, it can only be born by way of Sectio Caesar" Midwife (Tocologist) said.

"If playing with massage, ari position - could slide arinya no no yes ma'am? or if I was diligent way possible whether it can help position the baby's head I get in? "said Nur bu again.

"Sure can not bu Nur. When pregnant with placenta previa should not be done any stimulation, the slide position a little bit then it could be fatal bleeding bu "replied mss midwife.

"I still do not understand bu midwife, what is placenta previa disease ari - ari or tumor or something? Indeed, doctors have explained but I was still confused "mss Nur said sadly.

Let's understand what it is placenta previa.

The placenta or afterbirth is also called as the picture below is where the baby grows and develops in the womb. Placenta is covering the baby to be safe. Its function as a supplier of nutrients, oxygen and as protection from impact, germs or disease threaten the fetus. The placenta should be embedded in the top of the uterus. But in the case of placenta previa, placenta or implant embedded in the bottom of the uterus. This situation will block the birth canal for the baby. 

Plasenta Previa

In midwifery theory states that placenta previa based on where embedded placenta, are at three locations around the lower uterine segment and cervical canal cover. There are three locations placenta previa placenta covers the total birth canal (placenta previa totalis), covering part of the birth canal (placenta previa partialis) or just embedded around the edge of the bottom of the uterus. 

Plasenta Previa

What are the factors that cause placenta previa?

The immediate cause of placenta previa is not there but from various medical sources mentioned obstetric factors that favor the occurrence of placenta previa, among others, the factors of age, at a young age, especially in the rudimentary uterine lining endometriumnya, age above 35 years the state of the uterus (endometrium) is began less fertile, labor history is often pregnant with close proximity between pregnancies, the state of the uterus, the former curettage, the uterine scar, less nutritional state.

The placenta is not small, about 20 cm in diameter when it's out of the womb, it weighs about 500-1000 grams and also full of blood vessels and tissue lining. The blood vessels are very sensitive to stimulation, especially during pregnancy entered the age of 7 months

What is the sign that a pregnant woman had placenta previa?

Pregnant women experience bleeding at the age of 7 months into the pregnancy, bleeding in pregnancy with placenta previa is not accompanied by abdominal pain, occur at any time especially when doing activities. The older the age of a pregnancy, the more sensitive the bottom of the uterus to receive stimuli, as well as lower uterine segment section experience changes to adjust gestation. This result could be separated placenta gradually gave birth prematurely.

Well because there are parts that apart little by little this bleeding will arise. This bleeding can interfere with the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the baby, mother hemoglobine also raises levels decreased (anemia). At placenta previa often occurs also abnormalities in utero fetal position, such as transverse layout and breech as part of the fetal head blocked the door can not enter into the pelvis.

How does a doctor determine that bleeding in pregnancy is due to placenta previa?

You do this by means of ultrasound content. Ultrasound examination is not harmful to the fetus

What to do if a woman is having placenta previa?

1. Bed rest or complete bed rest
when active bleeding. The goal is to help stop the process of detachment occurs little by little before its time. With complete rest lying on the bed then the state of the uterine muscle in a resting state (relaxation). Not infrequently pregnant patients with placenta previa forced out of the hospital several times because after returning home can not rest, frequent road and doing homework alone, finally admitted to the hospital again. Actually, with a lot of rest at home when obedient enough help to relax the uterine muscle.

2. Prevent the premature infants
Or contraction stimulation is feeling like his stomach cramps on pregnant women. If there are contractions or bleeding accompanied his then pregnant women with placenta previa should immediately seek the help of health professionals. The next pregnancy will be closely monitored, both fetal condition, bleeding and the state of health of the mother. In the case of placenta previa at term but who have not experienced continuous bleeding, had a baby born prematurely. It is a little more risky to maturity infant lung function when you first breathe. If still lungs - perfect lungs can not inflate, can occur early births failure to breathe. Mothers do not have to worry about the transition state of the baby. Obstetricians will seek anticipation since before the baby is born and aid measures immediately after birth in preterm infants.

3. Attention to nutritional needs of pregnant mother
Pregnant women with placenta previa is easy once Hemoglobine decreased levels in the blood due to the bleeding. Expand the food of dark green vegetables such as spinach, kale, cassava leaves, mustard. The side dishes eggs, fish, tofu, tempeh and meat. Drink milk to increase endurance. Fruit - Fresh fruit also enough water during pregnancy.

4. Mental preparation.
For pregnant women with placenta previa often must undergo complete bed rest in the hospital. Live the whole process of pregnancy with resignation and prayer. Whatever happens remains to be thankful. Fill time during bedrest in the hospital with a comforting thing, such as reading about health, embroidering, listening to music and reading books and sebagaimya baby care. A mother's anxiety during treatments can affect pregnancy. Too stress and tension will stimulate uterine contractions or cramps in the abdomen. Husband also provide mental support to the wife during the treatment period.

5. preparation costs
In pregnancy that have been diagnosed with placenta previa totalis it is clear that the only way to give birth only through opeasi Sectio Casarea. Prepare cost should have been commenced in early pregnancy, although not diagnosed placenta previa, estimate when the baby was born prematurely. This preparation can save, follow Jampersal, health insurance and health insurance from the office.

When women with placenta previa hospitalized, what is being done?

Pregnant women with placenta previa with bleeding little by little and the fetal heart condition is still good, the mother will be treated to a total bed rest or bed rest. All bathing and personal hygiene needs will be assisted by midwives and nurses. Pregnant women should not get out of bed until the time allowed by the doctor. Infusion is sometimes necessary to include drugs - drugs to stop the bleeding and contractions. Drug delivery through oral medication can be injection (injection), as tonic uterus, lung medication to ripen - fetal lung, as well as the form of vitamin tablets and blood plus anti-bleeding drugs. Ultrasound examination and laboratory tests carried out according to procedure every hospital where treated.

When women with placenta previa bleeding a lot in the house what to do?

Preparation for transport to the hospital immediately

Preparation of blood donors who will help if at any time it takes emergency

Mothers seek to remain calm, lying without a pillow, prop your feet elevated position with pillows

When bleeding many hospitals do not look that far, rushed to the nearest health facility for first aid and can be referenced if circumstances allow mothers and infants

warm regards
May be useful

Midwives Romana Tari

Plasenta Previa

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