In order not Infected Fecal Bacteria in Swimming Pool, Perform Step It

Sometimes when swimming, visitors often can not bear to waste water and lazy to the toilet. Pool as one of the recreational areas containing water was used as a 'public toilet' for visitors. Well, this is certainly dangerous to the health of people who swim in it.

A recent study found the bacteria E. Coli (Escherichia coli) in the pool. This bacterium is one of the bacteria found in the human stomach and feces.

Some of the disease it causes are harmless, but other illnesses can be a serious illness such as gastroenteritis, urinary tract infections, and meningitis.

Quoted from ABC News, Saturday (18/05/2013) here's step-steps which must you did before entering into swimming pool.

1. Wash with soap before entering the pool.
2. Take a break and go to the bathroom every 60 minutes, to urinate or even defecate.
3. Wash hands You with soap after flue the water.
4. Check your child's diaper every 30-60 minutes.
5. Wash hands You back after changing a diaper in the locker room.
6. Bath and rinse yourself before you go back to the pool.
7. Do not be swim when you sick diarrhea.
8. Do not swallow the pool water.

Moreover, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) American swimmers can also check the chlorine levels and pH before entering the water. Chlorine levels should range from 1-3 milligrams per liter and the pH should be between 7.2 and 7.8 to maximize the power that kills germs.

"The rules for the safe use of pools described CDC is troublesome, but the arena was not surprising that this study found no evidence of the bacteria in the pool, and our bodies are made ​​up of more bacteria than human cells," said Dr. Richard Besser, Chief Editor Health and Medical ABC News.

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