Feeling Tired All the Time? Recognize Cause Here

Do you feel tired all the time? Many people often feel like that without knowing what the cause is.

Well, before you take any further action to try to figure out the cause. There are several things in the body that are associated with fatigue, as quoted by Web MD, on Tuesday (05/21/2013).

1. What Eaten

Take lots of caffeine and sugar it can backfire because it can make you become more tired because of fluctuations in blood sugar control. Instead, look for a balance by eating a balanced diet such as vegetables, wasteful, and protein.

"Most people feel tired would be reduced if they eat a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet can also reduce your weight, because obesity is a major contribution to the fatigue," said Dr. J. Fred Ralston Jr., MD, former leader of the American College of Physicians.

2. Sleep longer

Many people do not get enough sleep. So, if you're one of them to avoid caffeine and alcohol in the hours before bedtime, turn off the TV before bed, and create your quiet atmosphere in your room.

3. How Much Exercise

How much you exercise is important. Fred favorite recipe for fatigue is exercise. Do this at least three hours before bed, so you have a good sleep.

Many people think of the exercise, the body will be more tired. However, it would be better if you exercise than not doing anything, because the fact is more and more moving, the more energy you get.

4. Anemia

"This is a very common cause of fatigue and is very easy to check through a simple blood test," said Sandra Fryhofer, MD, an associate professor of clinical medicine from Emory University.

"This is a major problem for women, particularly those who have heavy menstrual periods," said Sandra.

You can deal with complaints of anemia with iron-rich diet, multiply eat meat, dark green leafy vegetables, or supplements if you have a chronic iron deficiency.

5. Nutritional deficiencies

Lack of nutrients such as potassium can cause you to be tired. This can be checked with a blood test.

6. Thyroid problems

According to Prof Sandra, excess or deficiency of thyroid can cause fatigue. Blood tests can be done to help evaluate your thyroid function.

7. Diabetes

"People who have uncontrolled diabetes is obviously not a good feeling," said Prof Sandra.

Prof Sandra added if you feel very tired and also blurred vision or perhaps a lot of urination, check immediately. This could be a sign of diabetes.

8. Depression

If your fatigue is accompanied by sadness and loss of appetite, it could be that you're feeling depressed. Do not save itself, the doctor or therapist can help you feel better.

9. Sleep Disorders

If you have never felt rested and seems there is no way to fix it, you should check yourself, especially if you snore. Snoring can be a part of obstructive sleep disorder in which people stop breathing briefly several times a night.

10. Heart disease is not Undiagnosed

According to Dr. Fred fatigue may be a sign of heart problems, especially in women. "If you are having problems with the exercises you do with ease, or if you begin to feel uncomfortable when you exercise, this could be a red flag for heart issues. When in doubt, go to the doctor," said Fred.

Well, if you already know some of the possible causes of fatigue immediately overcome with the right way. And remember this action start from small things such as by improving sleep patterns, diet, and your activity level. Sometimes simple fixes are the answer to a problem.

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